Tuesday, December 11, 2007

I went, I saw and I'm going back!

Sorry, my friends, that this blog has not been up-dated in a while...
My ambition is to tell you something from my life...once every couple of weeks...?! Realistic? I don't know, but that's my goal! :)

Well, let me just start right now by letting you all know:

My trip in September was sucsessfull. I found a job in a growing township, at a Secondary School. When I was there, the principal said I would be teaching English in two Grade 8 and two Grade 9. EXCITING!!!

There are great challenges in this township, and therefore also in this school, with things relating to health and social needs. Some of these kids are orphans and the oldest in their family, all because of AIDS. There is little or no hope of making a better life for themselves.
I have a simple, but profound, philosophy:
In order to create growth in both ones own life, a local society and a country, two things are needed: JESUS and EDUCATION. (Not that Jesus is a thing...)
That's what I intend to give. :)

When I was down in September, I also got my hair done - the African way! It was a test in patience, both for me and the hair dressers, as it took the 3 ladies no less than 15 hours to do it! I am NOT joking! However, it took me 18 hours to undo them...
But... I will definately do it again! 'Cause it looked smashin', if I may say so myself! ;)

Oh well, that's it for now!
Be good!
Love, mon


Anonymous said...

Gud velsigne deg i din tjenese og menneskene rundt deg.

olejohn said...

Hei på deg Mon.

Det var så hyggelig å møte deg igjen 2.juledag på Filadelfia.

Forrige gang møtte jeg deg på Hedm.topp. under misj.konf.
Da fortalte du om kallet ditt, nå er det en helt konkret reiseplan.

Jeg vil hilse deg med følgende bibel steder. Litt lesing får du vel tid til.
Les prof Sakarja 3.7 + 4.6
Kollosenserne 3.23+24.
Avslutt med Hebr. 13.5(siste del)
+ 6.

Alle her hos meg ønsker deg lykke
til i din tjeneste får VÅR FRELSER.

Er du hjemme i Spydeberg, hadde det vært fint om du hadde tid til å stikke innom.

Ole John.

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

gohang said...

Great post
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